Occasionally members of the Down Syndrome Society of Rhode Island seek additional help or information, we provide this list of resources to assist with getting them what they need.
If you are a non-profit or government organization and wish to be listed on this resource page, please e-mail us.
Rhode Island Resources
Legal Services
Help RI Law: Rhode Island Legal Services
Rhode Island Legal Services
Disability Rights Rhode Island
RI Elder Info
Advocacy and Family Support
Advocates in Action Rhode Island
The ARC of Rhode Island www.thearc.org/chapter/the-arc-rhode-island-family-advocacy-network/
Brain Injury Association of Rhode Island, Inc.
New England ADA Center http://www.newenglandada.org
1 (800) 949-4232 (V/TTY)
Community Provider Network of Rhode Island (CPNRI)
Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities at Rhode Island College http://www.sherlockcenter.org
Rhode Island Advocacy for Children -https://riadvocacyforchildren.org/
Rhode Island Coalition for Children and Families
Rhode Island Parent Information Network www.ripin.org
Rhode Island Rights and Access Coalition https://ridrac.org/
United Way of Rhode Island
Executive Office of Health and Human Services for the State of Rhode Island
Rhode Island Attorney General www.riag.ri.gov
Rhode Island Developmental Disabilities Council
Rhode Island Special Needs Emergency Registry www.kidsnet.health.ri.gov/emregistry
State and National Syndrome Organizations
National Down Syndrome Society
National Down Syndrome Congress
Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress
Global Down Syndrome Foundation www.globaldownsyndrome.org
Connecticut Down Syndrome Congress
Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show www.bebeautifulbeyourself.org
Planned Lifetime Assistance Network (PLAN) has a great list of additional resources in RI and MA in the below PDF.